Overzicht Artiesten Festivalinfo op Alfabet
- T
- T001
- T21
- T-34
- T3eth
- T3RR0R 3RR0R
- T-5
- T5
- T78
- T78 presents Activator
- T-99
- T99 aka Olivier Abbeloos
- Taa
- Taa b2b Xrazz
- Taacoo
- Taafro & Uncle Sam
- Taahliah
- Taake
- Taali
- Taal Yagna
- Taao Kross
- Taarten van Abel
- TAAS en de Hartenbrekers
- Tabanka
- Tabanka Djaz
- Tabaqui
- Tabas-co
- tabasco bob
- Tabascos
- Tabasko
- Tabass-co
- Tabatabaei
- Tab Benoit
- Tabber
- TabberNakkel
- Tabby May
- Tabby Wesner
- Tabea Martin
- Tabea Tatan
- Taberna Mylaensis
- Tabita Rezaire
- Tabitha
- Tabizla
- Table Manners with Jessie Ware
- Taboela
- Tabor
- Tabot
- Tabou
- Tabou Combo
- TAB The Band
- Tabula Rasa
- Lucia Tacchetti
- Tacere
- Tach
- Tach Cremer
- Tache
- Tachenko
- Tachini
- Tachyon
- Tachys
- Tackedack
- Tacker
- Cheley Tackett
- Tackhead
- Tack-it
- Tacobitch
- Tacocat
- Taco de V
- Taco Fett
- Taco fruit
- Taco Hemingway
- Taco Nieuwenhuize
- Taco Nieuwenhuizen
- T&A Connection
- TAC Team
- Tactical Sekt
- Tactile
- Tad
- Tadam!
- Tadda
- Tadderak
- t Adela Campallo
- Tadeo
- Tadhg Daly
- Tadjiro Velzel Quartet
- Tadjiro Vezel
- Tadleeh
- Tad Morose
- Tadoe
- Tadpole
- Tad Robinson
- Tads Thots
- Tae111
- Tæl
- Tafa Diouf
- Tafdak
- Tafel 307
- Tafel van 11
- Taffari
- Taffy Rush
- TAFKAMP & Bastienne
- Tagada
- Tagada Jones
- T.A.G.C.
- Ta Girl Maria
- Ta Gueule
- Tahira
- Tahiti 80
- Tahiti Boy & The Palmtree Family
- Tahko
- Tah Ko
- Tahoungan
- Tahsin
- Tahtah
- Tahúres Zurdos
- Tai
- Taïfun
- Taifunds
- Taiga
- Taiki and Nulight
- Taiko Drums
- Tail
- Tailcutters
- Tail Dragger
- Taildragger & Fossen Struijk Band
- Taildraggers
- Tailfly
- Tailgunner
- Tai Lokun
- Tailorbirds
- Tailor Birds
- Tailor Jae
- Tailpiece
- The Tailspins
- Taim
- Taima
- Taimane
- Taint
- Tainted Nation
- Tainy
- Taio Cruz
- Taipan
- Taipei Houston
- Taïro
- Taiti Walter & Christel Beijkirch
- Tai Verdes
- Taiwa Jazz Band
- Taiwan MC
- Taiwaz
- Tajana Chevtchouk
- Taj Mahal
- Taj Mo: The Taj Mahal & Keb Mo Band
- Ta Joela
- Takana Zion & Manjulk
- Takara & Carla Boregas
- Takashi Band
- Tak & De 6 J's
- Take
- Take2mani
- Take 6
- Takeahnase
- Take A Leak
- Take a Seat
- Take Away
- Takeboys
- Take Control
- Take Death
- Take Down the Sun
- Takeïfa
- Take it Easy
- Take it for granted
- Take it Off
- Take It Or Shake It
- Take It To The Limit
- Taken
- Taken By Trees
- Taken From A Distance
- Take No Prisoners
- Take Off
- Take Offense
- Take Over
- Takeshi's Cashew
- Takeshi’s Cashew
- Taketh
- Take That
- Take The Fall
- Take Your Guilt
- Takh
- Takida
- Taking Back Sunday
- Taking Dawn
- Taking Life Back
- Taking Names
- Takkak Takkak
- Takkar & Ophion
- Takka Takka
- Takkedak
- Takkewijven
- Takkie & Ranx
- Takkyu Ishino
- Tako
- Tako Lako
- Tako & Loud-E
- Taksim Trio
- Taktloss
- Taktstörer
- Ta-Ku
- Takuro Kikuchi
- Takuya Kuroda
- Takykardia
- Takyon
- Talaboman
- John Talabot
- Taladega
- Taladro
- Tala Drum Corps
- Talal & Edyta
- Talamasca
- Talanas
- Talawah
- Tal Bachman
- Talbot
- Billy Talbot
- Talco
- Talea Jacta
- Talee
- Talent en Band
- Talentenklas VioolLab van Miriam Veeger
- Talent op Tilt
- Tale Of Us
- Tale quale
- Tales
- Tales From The Punx
- Tales of Ale
- Tales Of Dead Men
- Tales Of Evening
- Tales Of Murder and Dust
- Tales of Nebelheym
- Tales Of Sharone
- Tales That Are Not Supposed To Be Heard By People
- Tali
- Talia
- Taliable
- Talia Rae
- Talibam!
- Taliband
- De Taliband
- Talib Kweli
- Talib Rasool
- Talisco
- Talisk
- Talisker Four
- Talisker Two
- Talisman
- Talismann
- Talita Blijd
- Talitha Muusse
- Taliwoah and Denzel Himself
- Talk
- Talka
- Talkboy
- Talkin' Blues
- Talking Cows
- Talking Dog
- Talking Heads
- Talking Life Back
- Talking Loud
- Talking Minds
- Talking to Teapots
- Talking To Turtles
- Talking Trees
- Talking Trees Orchestra
- Talkin To The Girls
- Talk Normal
- Talko
- Talkpoeder
- Talk Show
- Talks Make Do
- The Talks
- Talks with Nate Chinen
- Talk Talk
- Talk To Her
- Talla 2xcl
- Talla 2 Xlc
- Talla 2XLC
- Tallah
- Talla vs. Taucher
- Tallawah
- Tallawit Timbouctou
- Taller Than The Trees
- The Tallest Man on Earth
- Tall Heights
- Tallies
- Tall Paul
- Tall Ships
- Tall & Small
- Tall Tales Acrobatics
- Tall Tales Company
- Tall Tall Trees
- The Tall The Fat & The Ugly
- Tallulah Rose
- Meindert Talma
- Tal National
- Talón
- Talons
- Les Talons Gitans
- Talos
- Taloula
- Taluco
- Talvekoidik
- Talvienkeli
- Talvihorros
- Talvin Singh
- Tam
- Tamagawa
- Tamagotchi Paradise
- Tamala
- Taman Autar
- Tamango
- Tamar
- T A M A R
- Tamara
- Tamara & Band
- Tamarae
- Tamaraebi
- Tamara Kramar
- Tamara Licheli
- Tamara Lukasheva
- Tamara Mneney
- Tamar Aphek
- Tamara Shogaolu
- Tamara & The Dreams
- Tamara Tol
- Tamara van der Laarse
- Tamara Van Esch
- Tamara Woestenburg
- Tamar Floor
- Tamar Frank
- Tamarin Desert
- Tamarix
- Tamar Lewis
- Tamar Muziektheater
- Tamar Niamut
- Tamaryn
- Tamas
- Tama Sumo
- Tama Sumo & Lakuti
- Tam Atra
- Tamba & Emanuela
- The Tambles
- Tamboers Korps Mariniers
- Tambour
- Tambu
- Tambu Dari Kami
- Tamburi del Vesuvio
- Tamed
- Tame Impala
- Tamera
- Tamer Abu Ghaza
- TaMere
- Tamer Hosney
- Tamerlan
- Tamer Nafar
- Tamia
- Tamicos
- Tamikrest
- Tami Neilson
- Tamino
- Tamino Parren
- Tamino's Searchin' for the Heart of the Heartland
- Tamir Grinberg
- Tamir Hendelman Trio
- Tami T
- Tami Tjk
- Tammer
- Tammo & Elzo
- Tammo Hesselink
- Tam Nomad
- T’ Amore
- Tamoto
- Tamotoekin
- Tamra
- Tamra Rosanes & Fistful of Dollars
- Tamtrum
- Tamu Massif
- Tamuraj - Eeron
- Tamu Samaj
- Tamzene
- Tanaë
- Tanaflow
- Tanakh
- Tananai
- Tancred
- Tandem Hiphop Showcase
- Tandiso Milan
- Tandy
- Tanečny Dom: Bartošovci & Muzička
- Tanerélle
- Taneytown
- Tangara Boys
- Tangarine
- Tangarine And Friends
- Tanga Turner
- The Tangent
- tAngerinecAt
- Tangerine Dream
- The Tangerines
- Tanghetto
- Tangled Eye
- Tangled Horns
- Tangled Thoughts Of Leaving
- Tangles Horns
- Tango 4 Cash
- Tango Ahora
- TangoArte
- Tango Brutal
- Tango & Cash
- Tango DJ Nicolas
- Tango DJ Siobhan
- Tango Extremo
- Tango In The Attic
- Tango Margot
- Tango orkest asd
- Tango Pleen
- Tango por tres
- Tango Quattro
- tango quintet Christiaan van Hemert
- Tango Rosa Rio
- Tango Soundsystem
- Tango Takeover
- Tangotrio San Telmo
- Tango Zero Dos
- Tangram
- Tanguarda
- Tanguediaduo
- Tania Evans
- Tania Maria
- Tanianta
- Tania Sikelianou
- Tania Vulcano
- Tani J
- Tanika Charles
- Tanith
- Tanja
- Tanja Jadnanansing
- Tanja Jess
- Tanja Seehofer
- Tanja Sommer
- Tank (UK)
- Tank
- T.A.N.K.
- Tank 86
- Tank86
- Tank and the Bangas
- Tankard
- Tankbowl
- Tankcsapda
- Tankers
- Serj Tankian
- Tank Of Danzig
- Tankorr
- Tanks & Tears
- Tankus the Henge
- TankZilla
- Tanlines
- Tanna Leone
- Chaim Tannenbaum
- Tanner Adell
- Tanner Ross
- Tanner Usrey
- Tannhäuser
- Tannhauser Sterben Und Das Tod
- Tanning Bats
- Tanning Blues
- Tano + Live band
- Tan Tan
- Tantara
- Tantchen Anna
- Tante Annie
- Tante Es
- Tante Joke Karaoke Band
- Tante Joost
- Tante Ka
- Tante Kaat
- Tante Lien
- Tante Pieks Visite
- Der Tante Renate
- Tante Rikie
- Tante Sandra
- tante truus
- Tante Truus Soundsystem
- Tantra
- Tantric
- Tantro Metro
- Tantron
- Tantrum
- Tantrum Desire
- Tanukichi
- Tanya Auclair
- Tanya Barany
- Tanya & Marlon
- Tanya McCole
- Tanya Tagaq
- Tanya Tucker
- Tanz Akademie
- TanzMan
- Matthias Tanzmann
- TanzMetal
- Tanz Ohne Musik
- Tanzo & Morris
- Tanzwut
- Tao
- TAO Crew
- Tao Lin
- Taös
- Tapage
- Tape
- Tape Cuts Taps
- Taped
- Tapedag
- Tape Deck Orchestra
- Tape Deck Travelers
- Tape Face
- Tape It
- Tape-It
- Taper Pace
- Tapes
- Tapesh
- Tapes 'n Tapes
- Tapestries
- Tape That
- Tape The Radio
- Tape Toy
- Tape Tum
- Tapeworms
- TapHarHeeJL
- Taphos
- Tapir!
- Tapis Plein
- Tapiwa Svosve
- Merdan Taplak
- Tappa Zukie
- Tapping the vein
- Tappin-It Collective
- Tappi Tikarass
- Tapprik Sweeze
- Taproot
- Taqbir
- Tarab
- Tarab Eamon Sprod
- Tara Brooks
- Tarace Boulba
- Tara Clerkin Trio
- Tara de Long
- Taradhin Minimal
- Taraf Costel Vasilescu
- Taraf de Akacsfa
- Taraf de Caliu
- Taraf De Haidouks & Kocani Orkestar
- Taraf de Hollanda
- Taraf Dékalé
- Taraf Lautarii Botosanilor
- Taragana Pyrajama
- Tarah Who?
- Tara Jane O'Neil
- Tara & Larissa
- Tara McDonald
- Tara McPherson
- Tara Mobee
- Taranga
- Taranis
- Tara Nome Doyle
- Tarante Groove Machine
- Tarantella Serpentine
- Tarantino
- The Tarantino's
- Tarantino x Squeeks
- Tarantism
- Tarantula A.D.
- Tara Pasveer
- Tara Stiles
- Taras van de Voorde
- Tarawangsa Sunda Lugina
- Tar Babies
- Tarball
- Tarbox Ramblers
- Jimmy Tarbuck
- Tardi, Dominique Grange & Accordzéâm
- Tardigrade
- Tardy Brothers
- Tarek Abdallah & Adel Shams El-Din
- Tarek Aoui
- Tarek Atoui
- Tarentatec
- Tarentatec Play Aufrichtiges Zappa
- Tarentel
- Tareth
- Targa
- Target
- Targets
- Tarhana
- Tarhana ft Ghalia Benali
- Tarhana & Ghalia Benali
- Tarian
- Tarick
- Tarik
- Tarika
- Tarik Barri
- Tarik Barri en Marleen Visser
- Tarikh & Ziarah
- Tarik Moree
- Tariq
- Tariq Pijning
- Tarja
- Tarja & Marko Hietala
- Tarja Turunen
- Tarkan
- Tarkastaja
- Tarkovsky Quartet
- Tarmac
- Tarmonica
- The Tarn House Renegades
- TarO&JirO
- Tar One
- Taron Lockett
- Taron Trekka
- Tarot
- Tarpaulin Chanteymen
- Tarquim
- Tarragona
- Tarrak
- Tarrik Barri
- Tarrus Riley Feat. Dean Fraser & Black Soil Band
- Tars Lootens
- Tartalatrance
- Tarta Relena
- Tartaros
- Tartit
- Tarujen Saari
- Tarwa N-Tiniri
- Tarwater
- Taryll Jackson
- Tarzan Boy & The Perron Worst Rockers
- Tarzan's My Daddy
- Tarzan & The Beachwaiters
- Tarzsa
- Tasered
- Tash
- Tasha
- Tashan
- Ta’Shan
- Tasha Slagtand
- Tasha's World
- Tasha Taylor
- Tasha The Amazon
- Tash Aw
- Tash & Ellie and Sophie
- Tashi Dorji
- Tashi Lhunpo Monks
- Tashi Lhunpo Tibetan
- Tashi Wada
- Tashi Wada Group
- Tashi Wada & Yoshi Wada
- Tash Lc
- Tash Sultana
- Tasilo Pieck
- Tasjesdisco ft. Mr Fox
- Taska Black
- Tasker
- Taskforce Toxicator
- Tasman
- Tasman Keith
- Tasos Stamou
- Tasseomancy
- Tass Finner
- Tássia Reis
- Taste
- Taste before you waste
- Taste It
- Taste Of Anger
- Taste of Cinnamon
- Taste of Insanity
- Taster
- Tasters
- Taste the Rock
- TasteXperience
- Tastic
- Tastic & Donqui
- Tast It
- Tastoo
- Tasty Cucumber
- Tasty Lopez
- Tasty Minds
- Tasty Poison
- Tasweesh
- Tata Bojs
- Tata Dindin and Salam band
- Tata Mirando
- Tatanka
- T.A.T.A.N.K.A. Project
- Tatarian Diskotek
- Tatarka
- Tate
- Tate Mcrae
- Tatiana Koleva
- Tatiana Koleva & Zhivko Vasilev
- Tatie Dee
- Tatjana
- Tatjana & Nodari Rosopidze
- Tatjana Vassiljeva
- Tato
- Tatouages
- T.A.T.S
- Tats Nkonzo
- Tatsuru Arai
- El Tattoo Del Tigre
- Tattooed Fish
- Tattoo Mir
- Tattoo Turkey
- Tattoo Wout
- T.A.T.U.
- Tatum Rush
- Tatu Rönkkö
- Tatyana
- Tat & Zat
- Tau and The Drones of Praise
- Taucher
- Tau Cross
- Taurin
- Taurin Circus Group
- Taurin Cirkuszcsoport
- Taurus
- Taurus Quartet
- Tau & The Drones Of Praise
- Tauthr
- Tautumeitas
- Tauw
- Tavares
- Raquel Tavares
- Tavaron
- Taveneer
- Tavento
- Lieven Tavernier
- Tav Exotic
- Tav Falco & The Panther Burns
- Tawiah
- Tawny Brothers
- Tawsen
- Tax Clan
- Tax Collectors
- Taxe
- Taxidermist
- Taxidermist & Overtref
- Taxigang
- Taxi Kebab
- Taxi Nouveau
- Taxi Reserve
- Taxi Taxi
- Taxi to the ocean
- Taxi Violence
- Taxi Wars
- TaxiWars
- Taxman
- Taxman & Heist
- Tax The Heat
- Tax & The Outsiders
- Wally Tax
- Tayc
- Tayhana
- Tay Iwar
- Taykoo
- Taylah Elaine
- Taylan Alan
- Tayla Parx
- Taylor
- Alexis Taylor
- Taylor Bennett
- Taylor Caniff
- Corey Taylor
- Taylor Davis
- Taylor. Gene
- Iain Taylor
- James Taylor
- Jane Taylor
- Kasey Taylor
- Lewis Taylor
- Maria Taylor
- Taylor McFerrin
- Melvin Taylor
- Mick Taylor
- Taylor Momsen
- Rod Taylor
- Sam Taylor
- Taylor Swift
- Taylor Tomlinson
- Taymir
- Tayo
- Tay Oskee
- Tayo Sound
- Tayo & Tope
- tays
- Taz Buckfaster
- Taze Bitti
- The Tazers
- Tazmanian Devils
- TB6K
- T.B.C.
- TBC Guerilla Disco
- T-bird Rythm
- T-Blanco
- T Bone
- T-Bone
- T-Bone Burnett
- T-Bone Fischer
- T-Bone 'n The Misteaks
- T-Bone Special
- T-Bow
- T-Brass
- T.B.S.
- TBS DJ Team
- TBT: Throwback Tracks
- TC
- T&C Band
- The TCB-Band
- Tchakatakapam Duo
- Tcha Limberger
- Tcha Limberger & Sirin Quartet
- Tchami
- Tchami x Malaa
- Tcheka
- Tchip-Hopzz
- Tchornobog
- Tchotchke
- Tchuna
- T-Clan
- T.C. Matic
- T.C.M.F.H.
- T. Cuts
- TDC Inc.
- TD Lind
- T.D.S
- T.Dutty
- Té
- Teach A$M & DENCHO A$M
- The Teachers
- Teacozy
- Teada
- Tea Eater
- Tea Fest
- Tea Fighting Gophers
- Teage & Trouble
- Teagless
- Teake Damstra
- Tea Leaf Green
- TeaMarrr
- Team Bashment Bangers
- Team Bastian
- Team Blazin
- Team Brick
- Team Chachi
- Team DAMP
- Team Daroe
- Team Disco Snolly
- TeamFaut
- Team Fuego
- Team Ghost
- Teamin
- Teamkiller
- Team Latino
- Team Marmalade
- Team Me
- Team Monster
- Team Oullie
- Team Peach
- Team Peter
- Team Picture
- Team Plastique
- Team Recorder
- Team Rocket
- Teamruff
- Team rush Hour
- team Scheisse
- Team Sfeerbeheer
- Team Shadetek
- Team Sleep
- Team Stiihl
- Team Tank
- Team T.N.T.
- Team TNT
- Team Vieze
- Team Wasted
- Team Waterpolo
- Team William
- Team Womanopoly
- TeaNieMen
- The Tea Party
- Teardrinker
- Tea Rex
- Tearful Dawn
- Tear it Down
- Tear It Up
- Tears for Beers
- Tears for Fears
- Tears in a Glor
- Tears In A Glorious Sky
- Tears & Marble
- Tears Of Blood
- Tears of Fury
- Tears of Martyr
- Tears Of Othila
- Tears of Sound
- Tears of Valiance
- Tearss
- Tears Studio
- The Tears
- Tease
- Tease & Denial
- TeaSeR
- Tea Sofia
- Tea & Sugar
- Teater Fusentast
- Teatime Company
- Tea Time Company
- Teatro de Pronto
- Teatro Kultka
- Teatro Metamorfoso
- Teatro Niño Proletario
- Teatro Pachuco
- Teatro Pavana
- Teatr Porywacze Cial
- Teazers
- Teba Shumba
- Tebi Rex
- Tec-9
- Tec909
- Teccer & Snixx
- Tech 9
- Tech-9
- Tech9
- Tech-9 (NL)
- Tech Chic Design
- Techdread
- Tech-Matix
- Tech N9ne
- Technasia
- Technasia B2B Dennis Cruz
- Technasia VS Uner
- Techneut
- Technical
- Technical Hitch
- Technical Itch
- Technical Kidman
- Technically Normal
- Technician DJ Team
- Technick
- Technicolour
- Techniek&ik
- Technika
- Technike
- Techniks Jan
- Technimad
- Technimatic
- Technique
- Techno Animal
- Technobastard
- Technoboy
- TechnoBrass
- TechnoD
- Techno Frühstück
- Technoir
- Technology & Teamwork
- Technootjes
- Technooyer
- Technophobia
- Techno Pippi b2b Ana Kidston
- Techno Punk
- Technorobics
- Technostate
- Technotronic
- Technovision
- Techro
- Techtek
- Tecknoiz
- Tecnum
- Tec Roc
- Ted Boss & the Remains
- Teddiedrum
- Teddy B.
- Teddybears Sthlm
- Teddy Cherim
- Teddy Cream
- Teddy Jr
- Teddy Killerz
- Teddy Killerz b2b Gydra
- Teddy Langenbach
- Teddy Mac
- Teddy Machinegun
- Teddy Macrander
- Teddy Morgan & The Pistolas
- Teddy O
- Teddy Picker
- Teddy Riley
- Teddy's Hit
- Teddy’s Hit
- Teddy's Last Ride
- Teddy's Philly Sound
- Teddy Swims
- Teddy Takeover
- TeDe
- Susan Tedeschi
- Tedeschi Trucks Band
- Te Dik
- Te/DIS
- Ted Jasper
- Ted Leo and the Pharmacists
- Ted MC
- Ted Milton
- Ted Nemeth
- Ted Oberg Band
- Ted Poor
- Ted Russell Kamp
- Ted’s Roadshow
- Ted van Lieshout
- TEDX Venlo
- Ted Zed
- Tee
- Teebee
- Tee Bee
- Teebee vs Calyx
- Teebs
- Tee Cardaci
- Teedra Moses
- Teed Up Blues Band
- Teek
- Teeklef
- Teeks
- Tee Lauw
- Marc Tee
- Teen
- Teenage Bad Girl
- Teenage Bottlerocket
- Teenage Dads
- Teenage Dreams
- Teenage Fanclub
- Teenage Fantasy
- Teenage Gluesniffers
- Teenage Icon
- Teenage Jesus And The Jerks
- Teenage Kicks
- Teenage Kicks Of My Generation
- Teenage Lady Killers
- Teenage Love
- Teenage Lust
- Teenage Mutants
- Teenage Party
- Teenagers
- Teen Agers
- teenagersintokyo
- The Teenagers
- Teenage Super Party
- Teenage Tits
- Teenage Wrist
- The Teenage Zombies
- Teenanger
- Teen Creeps
- Teen Daze
- Teengirl Fantasy
- Teen Jesus And The Jean Teasers
- Teen Mortgage
- Teen Radiation
- Teen Top
- Teepee
- Teepo
- Tee Set
- Teesy
- Teeth
- Teethgrinder
- Teething
- Teeth Machine
- Teeth of the Sea
- Teetotallers
- Hans Teeuwen
- Teezer
- Teezo Touchdown
- Teflon
- Tegan & Sara
- Te Geen Naom
- Te Gek!?
- Tegenaanval
- Tegendraads
- Tegengif
- Tegenlicht
- Tegenwind
- Tegi Pannu
- Tego Calderon
- Tehnikums
- Teho
- Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld
- Kirsten van Teijn
- Teilhard Frost
- Teippy
- Teis
- Teischa
- Tei Shi
- Teis Semey
- Teitan
- Teitur
- Teitur Magnússon
- Tejater Spot
- Tejatertick
- Teka-B
- Teka B
- Tekatock
- Tekel
- Tekemat
- Tekenen onder Invloed
- Aydin Teker
- Tekhton
- Tekhûs
- Teki Latex
- Tekisha Abel
- Tekitha
- Tekitoka
- Tekka
- Tekkerkane
- Tekknaa
- TeKlo
- Tek.lun
- Tekno
- Tekno Bas
- Tek-No-Bee
- Teknoclash
- Teknovore
- Tek One
- Tek-One
- Tek Soldierz
- Teksti-TV 666
- Teksttandem
- Tekton
- Tektron
- Tektu
- Telcosystems
- Teleferick
- Telefon Tel Aviv
- Telefoon DJ Merlijn
- Telefunken
- Telegram
- Télégramme
- Telegraph Canyon
- Telegraphs
- Telekid Dj Gary Global and the 90’S NOW DJ-crew
- Telekids Discoshow
- Telekids Voor Alcoholisten
- Telekinesis
- Teleman
- Telemetrik
- Telenova
- Telepathe
- Telepathy
- Telephone
- The Telephones
- Telepopmusik
- Teleraptor
- Telescope
- Teleshop
- Telestai
- Télésync
- Teletech
- Teletekst Is Dood
- Teletextile
- Teletubers
- Television
- The Television Personalities
- Television's Most Populair Art Instructor's
- Telfort
- Telfunken
- Tellavision
- Tellem
- Sébastien Tellier
- Tellison
- Tell Mama
- Tellurian
- Tellurion
- Tellus Requiem
- Telly*
- Telmary
- Telomic
- Telstar
- Temenik Electric
- Temerity Noise
- Témé Tan
- Temic
- Temitope Ajose
- Temko
- Henk Temming
- Temmis
- Temnozor
- Temo
- Tempa T
- Tempel
- Temperance
- Temperance Seven
- Temperatures
- Tempers
- Tempers Fray
- The Temper Trap
- Tempesst
- Tempest
- Kae Tempest
- Kate Tempest
- Tempest Soundsystem
- Temp-Illusion
- Tempist
- Temple
- Temple Fang
- Temple Funk Collective
- Temple Haze
- Temple of Baal
- Temple of Bon Matin
- Temple of Doom
- Temple of Dread
- Temple of Eternity
- Temple Of Gasoline
- Temple of Nothing
- Temple Of Sound
- Temple of Spirits
- Temple Of The Absurd
- Temple of Thieves
- Temple Of Twilight
- Temple Of Void
- Temple One
- Temple Renegade
- Temple Riser
- Temples
- Temples On Mars
- Temple Tears
- Templeton
- Templeton Peck
- Templeton Pek
- Templo de Satori
- Templo Diez
- Tempo
- Tempodooloo
- Tempogeist
- Tempo Giusto
- Temporary
- Temporary Madness
- Temporary Name
- Temporary Roads
- Temporex
- Temposhark
- TempoTeam
- Tempt
- Temptations for the Weak
- The Temptations
- Tempza
- Tems
- Temudo
- Temz
- Ten11
- Ten-13
- Ten24
- ten56.
- Tenacious B & KG
- Tenacious D
- Tenacious D Shower Orchestra
- Tenacious G
- Ten Adem
- Tenaga
- The Tenants
- 10CC
- Tence
- Tendencia
- Tendencies
- Tender
- Tender Central
- Tender Chunks in Gravy
- Tender Falcons
- Tenderfoot
- Tender Forever
- Tender Games
- Tenderloin Trio
- Tender Prey
- Tender Trap
- Tendertwin
- Tender Youth
- Tenebre
- Tenebris
- The Tenebrous Liar
- Tenedle
- Danny Teneglia
- Tenement Kids
- Ten Fé
- Tenfold
- Tenfold Rabbit
- Ten Foot Pole
- Ten Foot Polecats
- Ten Foot Wizard
- Tenggara Boys
- Tengger
- Tengu
- Tenhi
- Ten Horned Devels
- Ten-Hut
- Ten Hut ft. Burak Dolutaş
- Tenile Townes
- Tenille Townes
- Tenishia
- Teni the Entertainer
- TeNK
- Ten Kens
- Tenko
- Ten Masked Men
- Tenminste Houdbaar Tot
- Tennessee Alien
- Tennessee Bandits
- Tennessee Drifters
- Tennessee Kings
- Tennessee Studs
- Tennessee Tavern
- Ten Nipples
- Tennis
- Tenniscoats
- Tennis System
- The Tennors
- Tennyson
- Tenor Conclave
- Tenor Fly
- Tenorin Sirus
- Jimi Tenor
- Tenpa
- Ten Page Pilot
- Tenpa Singh
- Ten Past Nine
- Ten Pickles for Johnny
- Tenpole Tudor
- Tense
- Ten Second Epic
- Ten Seconds Left
- Tense Reaction
- Tense=Reaction
- Tensfield
- Ten Sharp
- Tenside
- Tension
- Tension Control
- Ten Sleep
- Tensnake
- Tensor & Re-Direction
- Adam Tensta
- Ten Strings & a goat skin
- Tentacles
- Tentakle
- Ten Tap Trouble
- TenTemPiés
- Tenth Avenue North
- Tenth Planet
- Ten Threats
- Ten Times A Million
- Ten Ton John
- Ten Tonne Dozer
- Ten Tonnes
- Ten Tons of Joy
- Ten Typ Mes
- Tenuate
- Tenuem
- Tenui Van Der Worp
- Ten Walls
- Ten Without P
- Ten Years After
- Ten Years Today
- Tenzers
- Tenzers Oldschool & Sons
- Tenzin Choegyal
- Teofilo Chantre
- Teoman
- Teo Planell
- Teorge Michael
- Teo Skaffa
- Teotwawki
- Tep
- Tépa
- Tephra
- Moris Tepper
- Teppo Mäkynen
- Teqmun
- Tequila con Mayo
- Tequila Laser
- Tequila & The Sunrise Gang
- Tequila Toxico
- Tequila Waitress
- Terakaft
- Tera Kora
- Terakraft
- Teramaze
- Tera Melos
- Teräsbetoni
- Teratoma
- Ter Bescherming van de Jeugd
- Terbeschikkingstelling
- Nicole Terborg
- Regis Terborg
- Tercer Sol
- Terekai
- Terekke
- TÉrence
- Terence Blanchard
- Terence Blanchard and Poncho Sanchez
- Terence Blanchard E-Collective
- Terence Blanchard Quintet
- Terence Blanchard Sextet
- Terence Fixmer
- Terence Goodmann
- Terence Hansen
- Terence Roelofsen
- Terence Trent D’Arby
- Terence van der Loo
- Terencio & Gihan
- Teresa Cristina
- Teresa James & The Rhythm Tramps
- Teresa Jenee
- Teresa Matias & Igor C. Silva
- Teresa Salgueiro
- Tereza
- Terg
- Ter Haar
- Teri Codan
- Terike Haapoja
- Terilekst
- De Tering
- Terisa Griffin
- TERIYAKI! Ravesystem
- Terje Isungset
- Terje Rypdal
- Todd Terje
- Terji Nordgarden
- Termanology
- Ter Marsch & Co
- Terminal
- Terminalbeach
- Terminal Cheesecake
- Terminal Choice
- Terminal Front
- Terminal Gods
- Terminalhead
- Terminal Prospect
- Terminal & Vavaculo
- The Termites
- Terne Chave
- Anna Ternheim
- Terno Rei
- Terol
- Ter Plekke
- Terpsichore
- Arjan Terpstra
- Terr
- TerRa
- Terra Builder
- Terrace Martin
- Terra Collective
- Terracotta Gate
- Terra Diablo
- Terra Down
- TerraDown
- Terra Firma
- Terrafolk
- Terraformer
- Terrafyght
- Terra Kin
- Terrakota
- Terra Lightfoot
- Terran
- Terra Naomi
- Terranga
- Terranoid
- Terranova
- Terrapin
- Terra Profonda
- Terra Solis
- Terra Tenebrosa
- Terra Twin
- Terra Volta
- Terrell
- Terre Low
- Terremötö
- Terrence & Campfire Sessions
- Terrence Dixon
- Terrence Parker
- Terrenoire
- Terrero
- Terrestrial
- Terribelius
- Terrible Eagle
- Terrible Harry
- Terrible Truths
- Terribly Overrated Youngsters
- Terrie Ex
- Terrie Odabi feat. Tia Carroll
- Terrier
- Terrifier
- Terrifying
- Terri Hendrix
- Terrill
- Terri Lyne Carrington
- Terri Lyne Carrington / New Standards
- Territoire
- Territroy
- Terrolokaust
- Terror
- Terror 2000
- Terror Bird
- TerrorClown
- Terror Danjah
- Terror Defence
- Terrordisco
- Terrorfakt
- Terrorfrequenz
- Terrorgruppe
- Terrorhammer
- Terrorhead
- Terroritmo
- Terrorize Kids
- Terrorizer
- Terrormasta
- Terrorsaurs
- Terror Sitdown
- Terror Squad
- Terror Suzy
- Terror Tesseract
- Terror Universal
- Terrorvision
- Terro Toner
- Terrox
- Terry Alderton
- Terry Allen
- Terry Allen And The Panhandle Mystery Band
- Terry Bogus
- Terry Bozzio
- Terry Bozzio & Metropole Orkest
- Terry Calier
- Clark Terry
- Terry Francis
- Terry & Gyan Riley
- Terry Hoax
- Terry Hunter
- Terry Joint
- Terry Jones
- Terry Lynn
- Terry Malts
- Terryman
- Terryman Band
- Terry Mann Band
- Terry Poison
- Terry Quinn
- Terry Riley
- Terry Riley & Gyan Riley
- Terry Toner
- Terry vs. Tori
- Terry Walker
- Terry White Band
- Terry & Yolande
- Terry & Yolandef
- Terugklap
- Terug Naar Toen
- Terugslag
- Terveet Kadet
- terwijl de kater sliep
- Ter Ziele
- Terzij De Horde
- Tes
- Tesa
- Tesco Value
- Tesfy
- Ricardo Tesi
- Teske
- The Teskey Brothers
- tęskno
- Tesla
- Tesla55
- Tesla Boy, OST & Kjex
- Tesla Coil
- Tes La Rok
- Tess
- Tessa
- Tessa Coates
- Tessa de Loo
- Tessa de Swart
- Tessa Dixson
- Tessa Douwstra
- Tessa & Esmee
- Tessa Fillé
- Tessa June
- Tessa Katinka
- Tessa & Ricardo
- Tessa Rose Jackson
- Tessa Sunniva
- Tessa Violet
- Tessa Walraven
- Tessa Zoutendijk
- Tess & Cleo Grooves
- Tess Divine
- Tessel
- Tessela
- Tessela & Rus
- Tesseract
- Tess et les moutons
- Tess et les Moutons Magnifiques
- Tess & her Highway Patrol
- Tessla
- Tess Merlot
- Tess Milne
- Tess Parks
- Tess Parks & Anton Newcombe
- Tess Roby
- Tess & the Chiefs
- Testament
- Testament Tribute Band: The New Order
- Test Department
- Test Dept
- Test Icicles
- Testicles
- Testify Today
- Testing John
- Testing The
- Testing The Microphone
- Test Of Time
- Testosteroll
- The Testosteronics
- Testosteronnie
- Testpilot
- test plan
- Testpress
- Test Propeller
- testsieger
- Tes X
- Teta
- Tetas Frías
- Tête-Bêche
- Tete De Tigre
- Tetero
- Têtes De Mules
- Tetes Raides
- Teto Preto
- Tetouze
- Tetragonist
- Tetra Hydro K
- Tetrapak (Arkus P. & Boris S)
- Tetra Plok
- Tetra Town
- Tet Rozendal
- TetsuaKera
- Tetsuya Hori
- Tettero
- Tetzepi
- Teufel
- Teufelscamp der Verlorenen Frauen
- Teuk McGraig
- Teun
- Teun Creemers
- Teunis Loot
- Teunis van der Zwart
- Teun met een H
- Teun Toebes
- Teun, Toon en August
- Teun van de Keuken
- Teun van Laake
- Teun Verbruggen
- Teun Vonk
- Ties Teurlings
- Teus Nobel
- Teus Nobel Liberty Group
- Maartje Teussink
- Tevens
- Tevona Band
- Te Water
- Tewitte
- Tex
- Tex-a-Go
- Texan Tail
- Texarkana Trio
- Texas
- Texas Christian University Jazz Ensemble
- Texas Hippie Coalition
- Texas in July
- Texas Is The Reason
- Texas Motherfuckers
- Texas Radio
- Texas Radio & The Big Beat
- Texas Renegade
- Texas Shot
- Texas Sweet Hot Trio
- Texas Tea
- Texas Terri Bomb
- Tex de Wit
- Texelse Boys
- JP den Tex
- Texoprint
- Tex Taiwan
- Textasy
- Textures
- Texxcoco
- Teya Dora
- Bas van Teylingen
- Tezaura
- Tezijnertijd
- Tez Ilyas
- Te Zotte Zeehonde
- Tezz Mukke
- T-Flash
- TFU Vicious
- TFX Rene vd Weijde
- TG
- Tg Bender
- TG Copperfield
- TG Dapper
- TG Gondard
- TG Gouden Bergen
- 't Gilde
- TG Jonge Hazen
- TG Matrose
- T-Gondii
- T. Gondii
- T. Gowdy
- T.G. Plakband
- tg Signum (ism Partofit)
- TG Snijbiet
- TG Sonja
- TG Space
- Tg Stroom
- TG thailia
- Th1rt3en
- Th4WhiteKnife
- Tha Alkaholiks
- Thabazzco
- Tha Beatcatcher
- Tha big escape
- Thabo and The Real Deal
- Emma-Jean Thackray
- Th'Acquisition
- tha dark venom
- Thad Cockrell & Caitlin Cary
- Thaddie Verploegh
- Thadee
- Tha Dodge jr
- Tha Dogg
- Tha Doggz
- Thahiti
- Thahomey
- Thaiboy Digital
- Thailo
- Thaïti
- Thakzin
- Thalamus
- Thalanos
- Thalassa! Thalassa!
- Thalia
- Thalia Laric
- Thalie
- Tha Liks
- Thallo
- Thalstroem
- Tham
- Thames
- Tha Mizzar
- Thammuz
- Thanacid
- Thanasis Deligiannis
- Thanasis Papakonstantinou
- Thanatos
- Thanatoz
- Thandii
- The Thanes
- Thang
- Thanksgiven turkey
- Thank U For Smoking
- Thank You
- Thank You Scientist
- Thanom
- Thanom B2B Dalek One B2B Max Mischief
- Tha Nouky
- Thanoz
- Thantifaxath
- Thao Nguyen
- Thao with the Get Down Stay Down
- Thapelo Khumisi
- Tha Playah
- Tha Playah & The Viper
- Tha Playah vs Nosferatu
- Thara Bergen
- Thare
- Tharim Cornelisse
- Tharken
- Tha Rookie
- Tharoza
- Tharum
- Thashtucada
- Thåström
- That 00's Show
- That 1 Guy
- That Band from Holland
- That It Off
- That Joe Payne
- That Park Life
- That Petrol Emotion
- Tha Trickaz
- That's Cool
- That's for you
- That's It
- That's Live
- That's Not True
- That Summer
- That Sunday Smell
- That's What She Said
- That's Who
- Thau
- Thaurorod
- Thavmatvrgist
- Thaw
- Tha Watcher
- Tha Works
- Tha Workz
- Thaziri
- Wahid Thaziri
- T.H. de Wei
- The
- The 004
- The 011
- The 100 hands
- The 101’s
- The 113
- The 1-2-5
- The 1st
- The 2 Bears
- The 2-Tones
- The 3 Decks Wizard
- The 3rd man
- The 40 Watt Band
- The 420's
- The 44's
- The 4 Candles
- The 4 Horseman
- The 502s
- The 5 Jets
- The 5th Element
- The 5th Pine
- The 5z
- The 69ers
- The 70’s Unplugged
- The 8 Ball Boppers
- THE 90’S (& 00’S) ARE BACK DJ TEAM
- The 90's are back
- The 90s Are Back
- The 90's are back dj team
- The 925
- The 9.5 Triple Blues Band
- The A1 Crew
- Thea Austin
- The ABBA Girls
- The Abba Story
- The Abbey
- The Abbey Road Project
- The Aberlours
- The A-Bones
- The Aboriginals
- The Absence
- the Absent Friends
- The Academic
- The Academic Khmelnitsky Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
- The Academy Is...
- The Accidental
- The Accidentals
- The Accidents
- The AC/Daisies
- The Aces
- The Achievement
- The Acid
- The Acid Affliction
- The Acorn
- The Adams Family
- The Adderley Story
- The Addicts
- The Additionals
- The Adjectives
- The Admiral
- The Admirer.
- The Adopted
- The A & D Projects
- The Advent [90s electro set]
- The Advent & Industrialyzer
- The Aegean Project
- The A E line
- The Aerdt
- The Affect Heuristic
- The African Mamas
- the afrofuturist affair
- The Afrorockerz
- The Afterglow
- The Afternoon Gentlemen
- The Afters
- The Age Of L.U.N.A
- Thea Gilmore
- The Agnes Circle
- The Agonist
- The Agony
- Thea Hjelmeland
- The Aikiu
- The Aints!
- The Airborne
- The Airborne Toxic Event
- The Aircommandes
- The Aiscream Karaoke Show
- The AITM
- The Akulas
- The Akward
- The Alaev Family
- The Albert Mooneys
- The Alchemist
- The Alexandria Quartet
- The Algorithm
- The Aligned
- The Alkali Flats
- The Alkaloids
- The Allegro's
- The Alligators
- The Alligator Wine
- The Alloy
- The All Star Crusaders
- The All Star Jam
- The All-Star Weddingband
- The Allstarz
- The All Time Blues Experience
- The All-Togethers
- The Alma Church Choir
- The Al McKay Allstars
- The Almighty
- The Almighty Papercuts
- The Almost
- The Aloof
- The Altered Five Blues Band
- The Altered Hours
- The Alter Glow
- TheAlterGlow
- The Alternative Henk's
- The Altodite
- The Altons
- The Alvaret Ensemble
- The Amazing Flowers
- The Amazing Rhythm Aces
- The Amazing Snakeheads
- The Amazing Stoopwafels
- The Amber Hunters
- The Amber Light
- The Ambush Party
- The aMeesing Jules d’orange
- The Amenta
- The American Country Legends
- The American Dollar
- The American Nirvana Tribute
- The Americans
- The Amigo's Soundsystem
- The Amity Affliction
- The amorettes
- The Amp
- The Ampa Contemporary Ensemble
- The Amplifetes
- The Amsterdam Festival Orchestra
- The Amsterdam Funk Connection
- The Amsterdam Red Light District
- The Amsterdams
- The Amy Jade Winehouse Show
- The Amy Winehouse Band
- The An-aesthetics
- The Anaesthetics
- The Anahit
- The Analog Roland Orchestra
- The Analogs
- The Analogues Sideshow
- The Anarchist
- The Anatomy Of Frank
- The Anchor Creek
- The Anchoress
- The Anchoret
- The Androids
- theAngelcy
- The Angelic Project
- The Angels
- The Angels Of Libra
- The Angina Pectoris
- The Angstromers
- The Animals & Friends
- The Animators
- The Animen
- The Anix
- The Ankers
- The Anna Thompsons
- The Anniversary Band
- the annuals
- The Ano Nobo Quartet
- The Ansels
- The Answering Machine
- The Answer Lies In The Black Void
- The Ant
- The Anthony Bros
- The Anthony Singers
- The Antichrist
- The Antidote
- The Anti-D's
- The Anti Group
- The AntiKaroshi
- The Anti-queens
- The Antler King
- The Antlers
- The Antwerp Philharmonic Orchestra
- The Anunnaki
- The Anxious
- The Anxious Livem
- The A.O.C.
- The Apache Relay
- The Apagya Show band
- The Apex
- The Apexx Machine
- The apocalypse
- The Apollo Bigband
- The Apollogist
- the Apollo program
- The Apollo Project
- The Apologist
- The Applejacks
- The Apple Jacks
- The Applepickers
- The Appleseed Cast
- The April Fishes
- The APX
- The Aquabats
- The Arab Orchestra of Nazareth
- The Arc
- The Arcadian Kicks
- The Archetypes
- The Archievers
- The Architects
- The Arcs
- The Are FM
- The Aretha Franklin Experience
- The Argent Down
- The Arguido
- The Aristocrats
- The Ariya Astrobeat Arkestra
- The Ar-Kaics
- The Arkitect
- The Armada
- The Aron & Florian Bevelander Bandexperience
- The Arrangement
- The Arrogants
- The Arrow
- The Arson Project
- The Artchitects
- The Artemis
- The Arthur Spooners
- The Artificial
- The Artificial Dance Party
- The Artisanals
- The ART-is band
- The Art of Rollin'
- The Art Of Swing
- The Art Of What?!
- The Ascent Of Everest
- The Ashtones
- The Ashton Jones Project
- The Asian Connection
- The Aspen Gems
- The Assange
- The Assange Public
- The Assassinators
- The Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound
- The Asses
- The Assets
- The Asteroid#4
- The Asteroids
- The Astonics
- The Astoria
- The Astoria (NL)
- The Astroids Galaxy Tour
- The Astromatics
- The Astronuts
- The Atavists
- the a team
- Theateracademie Noordwijk
- Theater Artemis
- Theatercollectief N.A.R.
- Theater Decibel
- Theater De Makkers
- Theater Doublee Muzemuis
- Theater Etappe
- Theatergezelschap Wolfsjong
- Theatergroep Azijn
- Theatergroep Bedriegt
- Theatergroep BLUV
- Theatergroep Defect
- Theatergroep Extreem
- Theatergroep Flint
- Theatergroep Het Masker
- Theatergroep Het Vervolg
- Theatergroep Hydra
- Theatergroep Krabben
- Theatergroep Matrose
- Theatergroep Max
- Theatergroep Max Mini
- Theatergroep Met de Botte zijde
- Theatergroep M/V
- Theatergroep Oberon
- Theatergroep Oeloek
- Theatergroep Otto
- Theatergroep Pionier
- Theatergroep Pretzels
- theatergroep rast
- Theatergroep Rauwkost
- Theatergroep Stop
- Theatergroep Stop Westerbork
- Theatergroep The Cat and The Horse From Hell!
- Theatergroep THT
- Theatergroep Troubamour
- Theatergroep Volgend jaar
- Theatergroep VRED
- Theatergroep Yalla Yalla
- Theatergroep zonder jas
- Theater GRR
- Theaterkoor Multiple Noise
- Theaterkoor Nutsz
- Theater Leela
- theater Leonard
- Theater Maatwerk
- Theater Oostpool
- Theater Oppekop
- Theaterpack
- Theater Quatsch
- Theater Rast
- Theater Swuf
- Theater Tique
- Theater Tol
- Theater TUIG
- Theater van de Droom
- Theater van de Zachte G
- The A-ties
- The Atlantic Drifters
- The Atlantic Trio
- The Atlas Moth
- The Atomic 44’s
- The Atomics
- Theatre Ad Infinitum
- Theatre du Centaure
- Theatr'el
- Theatre NO99
- Theatre of Hate
- Theatre Of Tragedy
- Theatres Des Vampires
- Theatre to Go
- The Attack Of The Mad Axeman
- The Attic
- The Attic Sleepers
- The Attitudes
- The Audience
- Theaumes
- The Aurora Project
- The Auteur
- The Authorities
- The Autumn Almanacs
- The Avener
- The Avenues
- The Average 44
- The Avery Fallon Band
- The Avett Brothers
- The Avonden
- The Avulsions
- The Awakening
- The Away Days
- The Awesome Superpowers
- The Awfull brothers band
- The Awkward
- the ax effect
- The Axes
- The Ayoub Sisters
- The B-52s
- The Babe Rainbow
- The Babes
- The Baboon Show
- The Babys
- The Baby Salad
- The Babysitters Circus
- The Bach Choir & Orchestra of the Netherlands
- The Backalleys
- The Backcorner Boogieband
- The Backdoor virgins
- The Backdrift
- The Backhanded Compliments
- The Backseat Boogie
- The Backseat Boppers
- The Backseat Lovers
- The Backstabbers
- The Backup Plan
- The Backyard Band
- The Bacon
- The Bacon Brothers
- The Bacon Brothers ft Kevin Bacon
- The Bacon Factory
- The Badabings
- The Bad and the Ugly
- The Bad Ants
- The Bad Ass Mother
- The Bad Ass Mother Funkers
- The Bad Backbones
- The Bad Days
- The Badger and the Bass
- The Badgers
- The Bad Juju
- The Bad Men From Bodie
- The Bad Plus
- The Badrick Brothers
- The Bad Shepherds
- The Bad Slaves
- The Bad Tones
- The Bag
- The Baggios
- The Baggy Trousers!
- The Bahama Soul Club
- The Bakabanas
- The Bakerton Group
- The Bakery Fotobios
- The BakkPakker ft. Nena & Sidd
- The Balconies
- The Balcony
- The Bald & The Beautifool
- The Balkun Brothers
- The Ballad Bombs
- The Ballad of Britain
- The Ballet Bombs
- The Ball Of Fire
- The Ballroom Bogards
- The Bambeez
- The Bambi Molesters
- The Bamboo Kids
- The Bamboos
- The Banana Republic Soundsystem
- The Band @ 7
- The Band at Seven
- The Band Camino
- The Band Formerly Known As 'Glazed'
- The Band Juicy
- The Band Of Heathens
- The Band of the Scots Guards
- The Band Perry
- The Bands Of Friends ft. Davy Knowles
- The Bandstand
- The Banging Souls
- The Bangles
- The Banned
- The Barbeardians
- The Barberettes
- The Barbwires
- The Bard Villans
- The Barefoot Bandit
- The Barnstompers
- The Barnyard Roosters
- The Barnyard Stompers
- The Barons of Tang
- The Barracudaz
- The Barr Brothers
- The Barrows
- The Barry White Experience
- The Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican
- The Barstool Philosophers
- the bar stool preachers
- The Bartholomew Consort
- The Baseball Project
- The Base Bro's
- The Basement Monkeys
- The Basements
- Theba Shumba
- The Basics
- The Basily Boys & Dim Kesber
- The Basily Boys - Noa Eyl
- The Basily Family
- The Basily Gipsy Band
- The Bass Delivery
- The Bassjunk
- The Bass Race
- The Batallion
- The Bat Bites
- The Bats
- The Battle
- The Battledykes
- The Battle Of
- The Battles of 1977
- The Baudelaires
- The Baylor Project
- The Bayou Brothers
- The Bay Rays
- The BB King Blues Band
- The Beach
- The Beach Boys Holland
- The Beachy Head Team
- The Beaks
- The Bear
- The Beards
- The Beards (NL)
- The Bear Quartet
- The Bears
- The Bear That Wasn't
- The Beast
- The Beasty Girls
- The Beatbastardz
- The Beatbrotherz
- The Beatchanger
- The Beat Club
- The Beat Conspiracy
- The Beat Controller
- The Beat featuring Ranking Junior
- The Beat Holes
- The Beathovens
- The Beatkings
- The Beatkrusher
- The Beatlesons
- The Beatles Sessions
- The Beatles Tribute Band
- The Beatnik Cats
- The Beats
- The beats girls
- The Beat starring Dave Wakeling
- The Beaty Of Gemina
- The Beauregards
- The Beautiful Band
- The Beautiful Ones
- The Beautiful Word
- The Be Bops
- the Bee Brothers
- The Beefheart project
- The Beemeeneebees
- The Beep
- The BeerCaps
- The Bee-Side
- The Beggars Clan
- The Beholder
- The Beholders
- The Beholder VS The Prophet
- The Belbouchos
- The Belgians
- The Belgionites
- The Belhops
- The Bellbines
- The Belle Game
- The Belle Rose Five
- The Belleville Three
- The Bellewether Syndicate
- The Bellfuries
- The Bellhops
- The Bellymen
- The Belpop Bastards
- The Beltones
- The Benefit Thieves
- The Bennies
- The Bentley Brothers
- The Bentleys
- The Bergman Therapy
- The Bernhard Hollinger Group
- The Berserkers
- The Berserkerz
- The Bers Sans Nipple
- The Berzerker
- The Besnard lakes
- The best ABBA Tribute band
- The Best of Britain
- The Best of Ireland
- The Best of Kunstbende Tour
- The Best Pessimist
- The Bet
- The Beths
- The Better Offs
- The Bettie Boops
- The bevis frond
- The Bewitched Hands
- The Bewitched Hands On the Top of Our Heads
- The Bianca Story
- The Big Ashtray
- The Big Bad After
- The Big Balloon Show
- The Big Bang Theory
- The Big Bluff
- The Big City All Stars
- The Big Day
- The Big Easy
- The Big Fat Bitches
- The Big Five
- The Big Four
- The Big Four Quintet
- The Big Generator
- The Big Hunger
- The Big Lebonski
- The Big Mo Impro Theatre Talk Show Surpris
- The Big Moon
- The Big Pink
- The Big Sets
- The Big Shakedown
- thebigsleep
- The Big Star Quintet
- The Big Swamp
- The Big Time Bossmen
- The Bigtown Bandits
- The Bihlman Brothers
- The BilliJean Madison Band
- The Bills
- The Billy Dwyer Band
- The Billy Joel Experience
- The Billy's
- The Binary Mind
- The Bingoplayers
- The Binks
- The Bipolar
- The Bird
- The Birdbrains
- The Bird Dogs
- The Bird Headed Gods
- The Bird Machine
- The Birdwatching Bandits
- The Birkins
- The Bishops
- Thebi Sodell & Anthea Caddy
- the bitches
- The Bitches Collective
- The Biters
- The Bits
- The Bitter Tears
- The Bizarre
- The Bizarre Ride
- The Black Albinos
- The Black Atlantic & Black Oak
- The Black Band
- The Black Bees
- The Blackbirds
- The Black Blues Brother
- The Black Box
- The Black Burned BBQ Boys
- The Black Carrots
- The Black Cat Bone Squad
- The Black Circles
- The Black Court
- The Black Cult
- The Black Delta Movement
- The Black Diamond Heavies
- The Black Dog
- The Blackest Grey
- The Blackest White
- The Black Eyed Dogs
- The Black Fall
- The Black Fooos
- The Blackhawk
- The BlackHawks
- The Black Heart Rebellion
- The Black High
- The Blackhill Bandits
- The Blackies
- The Blackjack Barbier
- The Black Jettas
- The Blacklight Parade
- The Black Lillies
- The Blacklist Royals
- The Black Logs
- The Black Madonna
- The Black Mamba
- The Black Mambo Boogie
- The Black Mantis
- The Black Marbles
- The Black Moods
- The Blackmordia
- The Black Napkins
- The Black Needles
- The Blackout Argument
- The Black Pacific
- The Black Parade
- The Black Queen
- The Black Ravens
- The Black River Roots
- The Black Sheep
- The Black Sorrows
- The Black Sound Orchestra
- The Black Spider
- The Black Su Love
- The Black Swans
- The Black Tambourines
- The Black Tartan Clan
- The Black Tongued Bells
- The Blacktop Symphony
- The Black Veins
- The Blackwater Experience
- The Black Waves
- The Blackwax
- The Black Wizards
- The Blakes
- The Blanchwood
- The Bland
- The Blank Tapes
- The Blaze Velluto Collection
- The Blazing Column of Fire
- The Blessed Madonna
- The Blessed Madonna & Derrick Carter
- The Blessings
- The Blew Crew
- The Blind Boys of Alabama
- The Blinded
- The Blinders
- The Blindfold Test
- The Blind Shake
- The Blitzers
- The Blizzard
- The Blizzards & Tineke
- The Blockparty
- The Blondie Experience
- The Bloodhounds
- The Blood Squad
- The Bloodstrings
- The Bloody Bastards
- The Bloody Drumsticks
- The Bloody Limits
- The Bloom
- The Blow
- The Blowtops
- The Blue
- The Blue Aeroplanes
- The Blue Angel Lounge
- The Bluebay Foxes
- The Bluebettes
- The Blue Chevys
- The Blue Clay
- The Bluegrass Bandits
- The Blue Heathens Jazz band
- The Blue Jacket Jazz Band
- The Blue Junkies
- The Blue Mask
- The Blue Mondays
- The Blue Monkeys
- The Blue Moon Orchestra
- The Blue Moon Rockers
- The Blue Poets
- The Blue Room
- The Blues Against
- The Blues Against Youth
- The Blues Angels
- The Bluesanovas
- The Blues Associate
- The Bluesbones
- The Blues Bones
- The Blues Brothers
- The Bluesbrothers Tributeband
- The Blues Brothers Tribute Band
- The Blues Busters
- The Blues Chiefs
- The Blues Company
- The Blues Connection
- The Blues Crew
- The Blues Diggers
- The Blues Experience
- The Blues Fellas
- The Bluesfirm
- The Bluesfuse
- The Blueshop
- The Blueshop Boyd Small Band
- The Blues Hunters
- The Bluesketeers
- The Blues Kings
- The BluesKings
- The Blues Others Showband
- The Blues Overdrive
- The Blues Searchers
- The Blues-sensation
- The Blues Sensation
- The Bluesshop
- The Bluesshufflers
- The Blues Sparks
- The Bluestalkers
- The Blue Stones
- The Blues Trio
- The Bluesvaccination
- the Blues Vision
- The Bluesvision
- The Bluetails
- The Blue Zone Experience
- The B Machine
- The B-Movie Orchestra
- The Boatnicks
- The Boat Sounds
- The Bobairian
- The Bobby Leea
- The Bobby Lees
- The Bobby Tenderloin Universe
- The Bob Dylan Band
- The Bobmeister
- The Bodices
- The Body
- The Body And Big Brave
- The Body Bag
- The Bodybags
- The Body & Dis Fig
- The Body Electric
- The Boerenzonen Op Speed
- The Bohemes
- The Bohemians
- The Bohicas
- The Boilerboys
- The Boiler Boys
- The Boilermen
- The Bojangles
- The Boll Weevils
- The Bombay Royale
- The Bomb Digz
- The Bombshelly's
- The Bombshellys
- The Bombsite Kids
- The Boneless Ones
- The Bonesinner
- The Bones Of J.R. Jones
- The Bongo Club
- The Bongo Hop
- the Bongstars Floyd Swingsets
- The Bonnevilles
- The Bonnie Blues
- The Bontones
- The Boogermen
- The Boogiechillers
- The Boogie Kearls
- The Boogie Wonderband
- The Boogie Woogie Jumpers
- The Book Club
- The Bookhouse Boys
- The Book Of Genesis
- The Books
- The Boom Band
- The Boombox
- The Boosters
- The Boothill
- The Bootleg Beach Boys
- The Bootleg Sixties
- The Booty Hunters
- The Booze Band
- The Boozebombs
- The Booze Bombs
- The Booze Brothers
- The Boozehounds
- The Bop-a-Tones
- The Bop Collective
- The BO! Potentails crew
- The Boris & Wicked Jazz Experience
- The Boss Brothers
- The Bössels
- The Boss Martians
- The Boss UK
- The Boston Boys
- The Boston Chinks
- The Bot
- The Bottlecaps
- The Bottleneck Rockers
- The Bottom Line
- The Boulders Below
- The Bouncing Betties
- The Bountyhunter
- The Bounty Hunters
- The Bounty Hunters ft. Johannes Rypma
- The Bourbon Man
- The Bowery
- The Bowmans
- The Boxcars
- The Boxettes
- The Boxx Orchestra
- The Boy From The South
- The Boy Next Door
- the boy outside
- The Boy Peru Band
- The Boys
- The Boys And Crash
- The Boys From Brasil
- The Boy Who
- The Boy Who Spoke Clouds
- The Boy Will Drown
- The Boy With Tape On His Face
- The Boyz
- The Brackets
- The Brain
- The Braindogs
- The Brains
- The Branco Heist
- The Brand Needles
- The Brandt Brauer Frick Ensemble
- The Brassers
- The Brass Funkeys
- The Brat
- The Brave
- The Brave Do Not
- The Brave May Fall
- The Bravo Brass Band
- The Brawlers
- The Brazillian Wax Effect
- The Breadchasers
- The Breakdowns
- The Breakfast Club
- The Breaks
- The Breath
- The Breath Of Life
- The Bree
- The Breed
- The Breezer Experience
- The Brick Blues Band Revival
- The Bricks
- The Bridal
- The Bridal Procession
- The Bridge Bluesband
- The Bridge City Sinners
- The Briefs
- The Bright
- The Brightt
- The Brimstone Days
- The Britisch Expeditionary Force
- The British Invasion
- The British Pink Floyd Show
- The Broken Anchors
- The Broken Circle
- The Broken Circle Bluegrass Band
- The Broken Circle Breakdown
- The Broken Circle Breakdown Bluegrass Band
- The Broken Horizon
- The Broken Seas
- The Broken Strings
- The Brokeoffs
- The Bronze Medal
- The Brood
- The Brooklyn Cowboys
- The Brooklyn Essentials
- The Brook & The Bluff
- The Bros
- The Bros. Landreth
- The Brothahood
- The Brothel Creepers
- The Brother Brothers
- The Brotherhood
- The Brother Moves
- The Brothers Deere
- The Brothers Honeywell
- The Brothers Timisela
- The Brough Superiors
- The Browning
- The Bruce Band (Bruce Springsteen Tribute)
- The Bruisers
- The Brums
- The Brunneper Boys
- The Bruurkes
- The Buccaneers
- The Bucketboyz
- The Bucket Boyz
- The Bucket List
- The Buckets
- The Buckleds
- The Bud Band
- The BudBand
- The Buddy Presley Band
- The Bud Spencer Rock Explosion
- The Buffalo Chips
- The Buffalos
- The Bugaboos
- The Bugalettes
- The Bug Club
- The Bug feat. Flowdan, Manga & Miss Red
- The Bug (ft. Miss Red)
- The Buggles
- The Buggs
- MC Warrior Queen
- The Bugs
- The Bug vs Dylan Carlson of Earth
- The Building
- The Bulb
- The Bulemics
- The Bulfrog Bluesband
- The Bulgarian Voices Angelite
- The Bull Box
- The Bullet Dodgers
- The Bulletproof Bomb
- the Bullfight
- The Bullfrog
- The Bullfrogs
- The Bullhammers
- The Bullhounds
- The Bumblebeez
- The Bumble Strips
- The Bunga Bunga
- The Bunny Gang
- the bunny the bear
- The Bunnywabbits
- The Buoys
- The Burners
- The Burnin' Burritos
- The Burning Hell
- The Burning Rooster
- The Burning Stash
- The Burps
- The Burrito's
- The Busquitos
- The Bus Spencer Rock Explosion
- The Busy Twist
- The Butcher & His Wife
- The Butcher Sisters
- The Butt Bugs
- The Butterfly Blues
- The Butterfly Explosion
- The Buttertones
- The Buzz
- The Buzzking Experience
- The Bygones
- The Byker Grove Fan Club
- Thec
- The C90s
- The Cabin Fever Band
- The Cable Bugs
- The Cactus Blossoms
- The Cadillac Three
- The Cadillacz
- The Caezars
- The Cairo Gang
- The Cairo Project
- The Calicos
- The California Honeydrops
- The Calis & Reinders
- The Callas
- The Callous Daoboys
- The Callstore
- The Cally Family
- The Cameltoe Brothers
- The Campbell Brothers
- The Campfire Collaboration
- The Candy Snatchers
- The Candy Spooky Theater
- The Canines
- The Cannibals
- The Cannons
- The Canyon Observer
- The Capaces
- The Captain Legendary Band
- The Captain's Beard
- The Caracal Project
- The Caracal Project b2b Buunshin
- The Caracal Project b2b Skylark b2b Synergy
- The Carbonfools
- The Carburetors
- The Cards
- The Caretaker
- The Caretaker & Weirdcore
- The Car Is On Fire
- The Carmellas
- The Carnies
- The Carpenter
- The Carpetbaggers
- The Carpet Crawlers
- The Carpet Pilots
- The Carrier
- The Carrivick Sisters
- The Cash Box Kings
- The Cash Brothers
- The Casings
- The Cassandra Complex
- The Cassidy Scenario
- The Cast
- The Castalettes
- The Castellows
- The Casting Out
- The Castle
- The Cast of Cheers
- The Catatonics
- The Catharsis
- The Cats Aglow
- The Cats Aglow Band
- The Cats in the House
- The Cat's Meow
- The Cats Tribute
- The Cavemen
- The Cavemen.
- The Cavern Beatles
- The Cavers
- The Cave Singers
- The CC Project
- The CCR Revival Band
- The Ceili Family
- The Ceiling
- The Celestial Turkey
- The Cell
- The Cellar Men
- The Cellophane Suckers
- The Celluloid Gurus
- The Celtic Bones
- The Celtic Social Club
- The Celtic Tenors
- The Celtic Tribe
- The Cemetary Girlz
- the Cenobites
- The Center for Political Beauty
- The Central Line
- The Centricals
- The Century Fighters
- The Cesarians
- The Chains
- The Chainsaw Motel
- The Chainsmokers
- The Chair
- The Chair At The Center Of The Planet
- The Chairman
- The Chalkheads
- The Chameleons
- The Chaos Industry
- The Chapel of Exquises Ardents Pears
- The Chapin Sisters
- The Chaplains
- The Chapman Family
- The Chap's Cabin
- The Chargers
- The Charles Darwin Selection
- The Charlies
- The Charlie Wox
- The Charm
- The Charm The Fury
- The Chase
- The Chase Club
- The Chasing Monster
- The Cheapers
- The Cheap Thrills
- The Cheaterslicks
- The Check 1-2
- The Check Marks
- The Checksums
- The Cheek
- The Cheeky Girls
- The Cheer Up! Club
- The Cheeseheads
- The Chemicals of Noxiouz
- The Chemistry Experiment
- The Cherees
- The Cherry Boppers
- The Cherry Season
- The Cherry Sisters
- The Chicago Funk
- The Chicago Funk & Friends
- The Chicago Hot Rods
- The Chick
- The Chickennelly's
- The Chickenskin Guitar Band
- The Chief
- The Chi Factory
- The Chikitas
- The Child of Lov
- The Chills
- The Chimney
- The Chimney Brothers
- The Chisel
- the Choax
- The Chocolatiers
- The Choice
- The Choir of Man
- The Choir of St. John's College Cambridge
- The Choking Smokers
- The Chosen
- The Chris O’Leary Band
- The Chris Slade Timeline
- The Christian Club
- The Chrome
- The Chronics
- The Chronometer’s Orchestra
- The Church of Pungent Stench
- The Cicadas
- The Cinema Escape
- The Circle Orchestra
- The Circle Remains
- The Circles
- The Circle Time Parade
- The Circumstances
- The City
- The City And Us
- The City Hollers
- The City Killers
- The Civets
- The Civilized
- The Civil Wars
- The Civs
- The C-Jays
- The Clameens
- The Clamps
- The Clan
- The Clang Group
- The Claptunes
- The Clashed
- The Classic Rock Show
- The Classics Machine
- The Classified
- The Class Of 13
- The Class of 58
- The Clause
- The Claymore
- The Clayton Hamilton Jazz Orchestra
- The Clean
- The Clean Son
- The Cleft
- The Clientele
- The Cliks
- The Clipse
- The Clipsters
- The Cliqque
- The Cloack
- The Closing Battle
- The Cloudsurfers
- The Clucks
- the c-men
- The Coast
- The Coastguard
- The Coast Riders
- The Coast To Coast Blues Band
- The Coathangers
- The Cobblestones
- The Cock N Bull Kid
- The Cocktail Slippers
- The Coconut Butts
- The Coffeecats
- The Coffinshakers
- The Coïncidences
- The Cold Stares
- The Cold Vein
- The Cold Whisper
- The Colin Curie Group
- The Color Bars Experience
- The Color Fred
- Thecolorgrey
- The Color Grey
- The Colorist
- The Colorist Orchestra
- The Colorist Orchestra ft. Lisa Hannigan
- The Colorist Orchestra & Gabriël Rios
- The Colorist Orchestra & Howe Gelb
- The Color Morale
- The Color Of The Sun
- The Color of Time
- The Colour Collection
- The Colourist
- The Colours of Anatolia
- The Colour TV's
- The Comancheros
- the Come ons
- The Coming Men
- The Committee
- The Commodores
- The Common
- The Commoners
- The Common Linnets
- The Common Sense
- The Community
- The Como Mamas
- The Companions
- The Company
- The Complet
- The Complete Recordings of Hezekiah Procter
- The Compouds
- The Compounds
- The computation
- The Conceptuals
- The Confettis
- The Confused
- The Congo Faith Healers
- The Connection
- The Connections
- The Conquistadors
- The Conspiracy
- The Conspirators
- The containers
- The Contemplators
- The Contenders
- The Continental Radialband
- The Contortionist
- The Convalescence
- The Convenant
- The Convocation
- The Coo
- The Cookers
- The Cooldown Café
- The Cool Ice Crush Killers
- Thecoolrapper
- The Cool Side of Your Pillow
- The Cool Trick
- The Coppola Complex
- The C.O.P.S
- The COPS
- The Copyrights
- the cordovas
- The Corner Cats
- The Cornettis
- The Corn Husk Project
- The Cornshed Sisters
- The Coronas
- The Corpse
- The Correspondents
- The Cosmic Dead
- The Cosmosians
- The Cost
- The Costums
- The Cotton Club Bigband
- The Couch Soundsystem
- The Couloris
- The Council
- The Counselor
- The Country Club
- The Country Heroes
- The Countrypolitans
- The Country Side of Harmonica Sam
- The Country Wings
- The County
- The Coup
- The Courettes
- The Course
- The Court Music Troupe of the National Gugak Center
- The Courtneys
- The Cousins
- The Cousins ft. Ashwin Jaydee & Joggo
- The Cousins ft Maikal X en Strawl
- The Cousins ft. Mr. Patze
- The Cousins ft. Strawl
- The Coutu Dumonts
- The Coven
- The Covering
- The Covernant
- The Cover Rangers
- The Covids
- The Cowgods
- The Cowpokes
- The Cozmic Parsnips
- The Crab Apples
- The Cracbooms
- The Crackin' Candy
- the Crackling
- The Cracks Up
- The CrackUps
- The Cradle
- The Craft
- The Craic
- The Craps
- The Crave
- The Craving Deer
- The Crawling
- The Crazy Arms
- The Crazy Awesome Band
- The Crazy Diamonds
- The Crazy Disco Show
- The Crazy Rockers
- The Crazy Rollators
- The Crazy World of Arthur Brown
- The Creamminals
- The Cream Of Clapton
- The Creases
- The Creation Factory
- the Creatures from the Tomb
- The Credits
- The Creep Show
- The Creepshows
- The Crew
- The Crew Music
- The CRIB
- The Crimson Crows
- The Crimson Ghosts
- The Crimson Projekct
- The Crimson Shore
- The Croakers
- The Cromagnon Band
- The Cromptons
- The Crooked
- The Crooked Fiddle Band
- The Crooks
- The Cropdusters
- The Crowcatchers
- The Crowd
- The Crowfoot
- The Crowfoot Conspiracy
- The Crowns
- The Cruel Knives
- The Crunchers
- The Cruz
- The Cruz & The Dukes of Harlem
- The Crying Spell
- The Crying Whales
- The Cryovolcano
- The Crystelles
- The Cuban Brothers
- The Cube
- The Cube Guys
- The Cubical
- The Cult of Boydah
- The Cult of Dom Keller
- The Cumbia Cosmonauts
- The Cummies
- The Cunning Stunts
- The Curious Incident
- The Curlies
- The Currency Is Blood
- The Current
- The Curse
- The Cursed Crew
- The Curse of Millhaven
- The Curtains
- The Curvy Cuties Fanclub
- The Cute Lepers
- The Cut Up
- The Cut/Up
- The Cut Ups
- The Cyberdemon
- The Cyborgs
- the CZAP
- The Czech Philharmonic
- The D
- The Dad Horse Experience
- The Dads
- The Daffodils
- The Daft Punk Tribute
- The Dagger
- The Dagons
- The Dahmers
- The Daily Indie
- The Daily Noise Club
- The daisybells
- The Daktaris
- The Dali Thundering Concept
- The Dallas Project
- The Daltons
- The D.A.M.
- The Dame
- The Damend and Dirty
- The Dam Jawn with Jeremy Pelt
- The Damned and Dirty
- The Damned & Dirty
- The Damned Pilots
- The D.A.M. Trilogy
- The Dance
- The Dance Commanders
- The Dance Factory
- The Dance Inc.
- The Dancers
- The Dancing
- The Dancing Morons
- The Dandelion
- The Dandelion Seeds
- The Dandies
- The Dangerous Summer
- The Daniel Myer Project
- The Daniel Wakeford Experience
- The Danny Giles Band
- The Dan Reed Network
- The Dappar Dans
- The Daptone Super Soul Revue
- The Dare Devils
- The Dark (Anouk Tribute)
- The Dark Element
- The Dark Flowers
- The Dark Horror
- The Darko
- The Dark Project
- The Darkraver & Gizmo
- The Darkraver & The Viper
- The Darkraver VS. Gizmo
- The Dark Red Seed
- The Darlingtons
- The Darnell Woodies
- The Darts
- The/Das
- The Dash
- The Dashboard Danglers
- The Dashwoods
- the Daughters
- The Dauntless Elite
- The Dave Riley/Bob Corritore Juke Joint Blues Band
- The David Emerald Swingtette
- The Dawn of MAY
- The Dawn Patrol
- The Day
- The Day Daen
- The Daydream Fit
- The Day Man Lost
- The Day Off
- The Dayshift Dreamers
- The Dazzled Prophet
- The D.C. Dedly's
- The DC Denims
- The DC/Denims
- The Dead
- The Dead Alley Drivers
- The Dead Beats
- The Dead Brothers
- The Dead Color
- The Dead Cvlt
- The Dead Daisies
- The Dead Ends
- The Dead Flags
- The Dead Flowers
- The Deadfly Ensemble
- The Dead Grass Band
- The Dead Iguana
- The Dead Krazukies
- The Deadlians
- The Deadline
- The Deadly Gentlemen
- The Deadnotes
- The Dead Old Tree
- The Dead Revils
- The Dead Ships
- The Dead Stray
- The Dead Tongues
- The Dead Trees
- The Dead Wax
- The Dead Wings
- The Deaf Dads
- The Deaf Dollars
- The Dealers
- The Dean
- The Deans
- The Dean Xl
- The Dear Hunter
- The Death Letter
- The Deathmaker
- The Death Set
- The Death South
- The Death Traps
- The Decline
- The Decline!
- The Decoder Ring
- The Deejees
- The Deep
- The Deep Dark Woods
- The deeper house
- The Deep Eynde
- The Deer Friends
- The Deer Tracks
- The Defects
- The Defenders
- The Defenders aka the Beertasters
- The Defenitivos
- The Defense
- The Defibulators
- The Defiled
- The Defpenalty
- The Delano Orchestra
- The Delgado Brothers
- The Delicate Project
- The Delines
- The Del McCoury band
- The Del Moroccos
- The Delray Rockets
- The Delta Bombers
- The Delta Cousins
- The Delta Piano Trio
- The Delta Riggs
- The Deltas
- The Deltaz
- The Demolition String Band
- The Demon Barbers
- The Demon Boyz
- The Demon Dwarf
- The Demons
- The Demtones
- The Denzer
- The Depraved
- The Depreciation Guild
- The Depression Club
- The Derek Trucks Band
- The Derellas
- The Derrick Show
- The Deslondes
- The Desmonds
- The Desoto Caucus
- The Desperado's
- The Desperados
- The Desperate Bluesgirls
- The Destiny Program
- The Destroyer
- The Destroyers
- The Dethleffs
- The Devil
- The Devil and the Almighty Blues
- The Devil And The Universe
- The Devilles
- The Devil Makes 3
- The Devils
- The Devil's 3rd
- The Devil's Amp
- The Devil’s Barkers
- The Devils Cut Combo
- The Devil's Horns Kill The Matador
- The Devils King
- The Devil's Note
- The Devil's Trade
- The Devils Trade
- The Devil & The Hierophant
- The devil & the Universe
- The Devil Wears Prada
- The Devon Allman Project ft Duane Betts
- The Dexters
- The Dharma Body Of The Buddha
- The Dharohar Project
- The Dial-A-Poets
- The Diamond Age
- The Diamond Baritones
- The Diary of Jake’s Dance Factory
- The Diaspora Suite
- The Dibs
- The Dice
- The Dickson Batteries
- The Dictators
- The Dictators NYC
- The Diesel Ducks
- The Diggerz
- The Digital Blonde
- The Digital Clones
- The Dinner Party
- The Dinosaur Truckers
- The Dio Memorial
- The Dip
- The Diplomats (Dipset)
- The Dire Straits Experience
- The Dirtbag Crew
- The Dirt Kings
- The Dirt machine
- The Dirty Clean Boys
- The Dirty Coal Train
- The Dirty Dozen
- The Dirty Grass Players
- The Dirty Harries
- The Dirty Heads
- The Dirty Knobs
- The Dirty Napkinz
- The Dirty Nil
- The Dirty Project
- The Dirty Reminders
- The Dirty Shambles
- The Dirty Youth
- The Disciple
- The Discipless The Masters of Urban Music
- The Disciplines
- The Disco Boys
- The Disco Boyz
- The Disco Shed
- The Disliked
- the Dismemberment Plan
- The Displacements
- The Districts
- The Ditch
- The Ditch Divers
- The Ditches
- The Ditchrunners
- The Diva's
- The Dixieland Crackerjacks
- The Dixieland Stageband
- The Dixi's
- The Dizzy Brains
- The Djoeks
- the djoker
- The DJ Producer vs. Deathmachine
- The Dockboys
- the Docters
- The Dodos
- The Dodoz
- The Dogends
- The Dogg Pound
- The Doggy Few
- The Dogs
- The Dog's Bollocks
- The Doktors
- Doldrums
- The Dollmen
- The Dolltones
- The Dolman
- The Dolmen
- The Dolphin
- The Dolphins Cry
- The Dominators
- The Domsetic Bumblebees
- The Don Diego Trio
- The Don Javors
- The Don Jon
- The Donkey Shot
- The Donny Brooks
- The Donskoy Institute of Change
- The Don't Let The Bugs Bite Band
- The Don't Touch My Croque Monsieurs
- The Doobie Brothers
- The Doomsday Kingdom
- The Doors Absolutely Live
- The Doors Alive
- The Doors Experience
- The Doors in Concert
- The Doors Of Perception
- The Doors Rising
- The Doors (tribute)
- The Doors Undercover
- The Doo Run Run
- The Doots
- The Doozer
- The Dopamines
- The Dope
- The Dope Doctor
- The Dope Doctors
- The Dopest
- The Doppelgangaz
- The Dorf
- The Double Collective
- The Dough Rollers
- The Downtown Daddyo's
- The Downward Candidate
- The Draggers
- The Dragon Bridge
- The Drain
- The Draining
- The Drakes
- The Dread Crew of Oddwood
- The Dream
- The-Dream
- The Dreamboats
- The Dream Machine
- The Dreams
- The Dreamside
- The Dreamstealers
- The Dream Syndicate
- The Dreamteam
- The Dreem Teem
- The Dreggs
- The Drek Manor
- The Drifter
- The Drifters
- The Driftin Five
- The Drift Institute
- The Dripz
- The Drive
- The Drive By Vendettas
- The Droeftoeters
- The Drop
- The Dropout Patrol
- The Dr. Orphys Project
- The Drowning Men
- The Drugstore Cowboys
- The Drums
- The Drunken Parrot Divers
- The Dubfactory
- The Dub Factory
- The Dubians
- The Dubliners Experience
- The Dublin Legends
- The Dub Police
- The Dubs
- The Dudes of Hengel
- The Dudesons
- The Dudley Corporation
- The Duet
- The Duke
- The Duke Book
- The Duke of Norfolk
- The Dukes of Danger
- The Dukes Of SKAzzard
- The Duke & The King
- The Duketown Helldogs
- The Duloks
- The Dump Brothers
- The Dumplings
- The Dunlop Devils
- The Dunwells
- The Dunya Show
- The Duplicates
- The Dust
- The Dustaphonics
- The Dust Bowl Drifters
- The Dust Coda
- The Dusty Dice
- The Dusty Record Singers
- The Dutch
- The Dutch Bluegrass Revue
- The Dutch Boys
- The Dutch Cher
- The Dutch Concert Big Band
- The Dutch David Bowie Tribute
- The Dutch Disciples
- The Dutch Dubliners
- The Dutch Duke
- The Dutchess and The Duke
- The Dutch Everly’s Tribute Band
- The Dutch Factory
- The Dutch Floyd
- The Dutch Horseman
- The Dutch Horsemen
- The Dutch Kate Bush
- The Dutch Masters
- The Dutch Palladium Orchestra
- The Dutch Queen Tribute
- The Dutch Rudders
- The Dutch Spiders from Mars
- The Dutch Tenors
- The Dutch Tribute to Beth Hart
- The Dutch U2 Show
- The Dwarfs of East Agouza
- The Dying Flutchband
- The Dying Hippo's
- The Dykeenies
- The Dynaflow
- The Dyna Flow & Peter Sruyk
- The Dynamite
- The Dynamite Blues Band
- The Dynamite Kids
- The Dynamite Kids & De Nazaten
- The Dynamites ft. Charles Walker
- The Dyson's
- The Džambo Aguševi Orchestra
- Thee
- The Eagle Rock Gospel Singers
- The Eagles Tribute
- The Eagles Tribute Band
- The Earl Grey
- The Early Beatles Undercover
- The Early Mornings
- The Early November
- The Earphone Heads
- The Earth
- The Earwurms
- The Ease
- The East Pointers
- Thee Attacks
- the EB bluesband
- Thee Brandy Hips
- The Echo Collective
- The Echo Vamper
- The Eclectic Eleven
- The Eclectic Moniker
- Thee Corned Beat
- The Ecstatic
- Thee Dagger Debs
- The Eddy Davis New Orleans Jazz Band
- The Eden House
- The Edge
- The Edjahcation
- The Ed Sheeran Experience
- The Ed Sullivan Quartet
- The Edukators
- Thee Faction
- The Effect
- The Effort
- Thee Fine Lines
- Thee Flanders
- The Egglestones
- The Egocentrics
- The Egyptian Lover
- The Egyptian Project
- Thee Hämmer
- Thee Hypnothics
- Thee J Johanz
- The Elastic House Band
- The Elastic Trio
- The Elated
- The Electric Blues All-stars
- The Electric Co. (U2 coverband)
- The Electric Gypsies
- The Electric Jets
- The Electric Powerhouse
- The Electric Sugar
- The Elektrocution
- The Element
- The Elementary Penguins
- The Elements
- The Elephant Phenomenon
- The Elephant Trees
- The EL Fields Group
- The Elijah
- The Eliminati
- The Elminator
- The Elo Show
- The Elton John Show
- The Elton Show
- The Elverines
- The Elves (ft Ronnie James Dio)
- The Elvis Concert
- The Elvis Memory Orchestra
- The Elvis Project
- The Elwins
- Thee Marvin Gays
- The Embassy
- The Embrassibles
- The Embrooks
- Thee Mighty Caesars
- The Eminent Stars
- The Emoji Project
- The Emperador
- The Emperor Machine
- The Empire
- The Empire Line
- The Employees
- The Empty Product
- The Empyrean
- The End Men
- The End Of All Reason
- The End Of History
- The Engines of Love
- The Enid
- The Enlightenment
- The Ennrons
- The entertainers piano show
- The Entrance Band
- Thee Oh Sees
- Thee Olivia Newton John Ravolta
- The Episodes
- Thee Plague of Gentlemen
- The Epstein
- Thee Sacred Souls
- Thee Satisfaction
- THEESatisfaction
- The Escalates
- Thee Scarecrows Aka
- Thee Silver MT. Zion Memorial Orchestra
- Thee Sinseers
- The Eskies
- Thee Spivs
- The Essentials
- The Essex Green
- Hans Theessink
- The Estate
- The Estevans
- The Esthetics
- Thee S.T.P.
- The Estranged
- Thees Uhlmann
- The Eternal
- the eternal Afflict
- The Eternal Chord
- The Eternal Handshake
- The Etters
- The Eucalyptics
- The European Danzón Orchestra
- The European Poporchestra
- The Euro's
- The Euros
- The Evangelicals
- The Eve
- The Evens
- Thee Verduns
- The Everettes
- The Evergreens
- The Everlasting
- The Ever-lovin' Jug Band
- Theeves
- Thee Vicars
- The Evil Knievels
- The Evil Spirits Recording Sessions
- The Evolutionist
- The Evolutionizt
- The Exalted Piledriver!
- The Exaltics
- The Excellos
- The Exchange
- The Excitements
- The Executer
- The Ex & Fendika
- The Exiled Force & Der General
- The Exorcist
- The Exorcist GBG
- The Expellers
- The Expendables
- The eXperience Brassband
- The Expired Faces
- The Exploding Boy
- The Exploding Potatoes
- The Explorers Club
- The Exposed
- The Expozers
- The Extatic
- The Extraordinaires
- The Extras
- The Extra Terrestrial
- The Eye Of Time
- The Eyes
- The Eyes Of A Traitor
- The FaBeats
- The Fab Five
- The Fabiola Fun f*ckers
- The Fabulous
- The Fabulous 50's
- The Fabulous French
- The Fabulous Jets
- the Fabulous Moonrakers
- The Fabulous Progerians
- The Facades
- The Faceless
- The Faces ft. Mick Hucknall
- The Fact
- The Faction
- The Fading
- The Faggots
- The Failed Hipsters
- The Fairy Queen
- The Faithless
- The Fake Boys
- The Fake Jammers
- The Fake Names
- The Falcon
- The Falcons
- The Fallen State
- The Fall of Troy
- The Fallout
- The Family Battenberg
- The Family Dog
- The Family Rain
- The Family Stone
- The Famous Class
- the famous dutch guys
- The Famous People
- The Fanatic Closing
- The Fanclub
- The Fantastic Four
- The Faradays
- The Faraways
- The Farmer's Bash
- The Far Pavilions
- The Far Pavillions
- The Farts
- The Fast Camels
- The Fast Food Kings
- The Fatbelly Bluesband
- The Fatcats
- The Fat Four
- The Father And The Sun
- The Father, The Son and The Holy Simon
- The Father, The Son & The Holy Simon
- The Fatty Boom Project
- The Fauns
- The FB's Horns
- The Fear
- The Fearless Flyers
- The Fear Ratio
- The Feasant Pluckers
- The Feather
- The Featherstones
- The Featherz
- The Fedz
- The Feelgod McClouds
- The Feeling Love
- The Feeling of Love
- The Felicianos
- The Fellas
- The Fellows
- The Fellowship Band ft. Brian Blade
- The Fenix Fury
- The FE.O.S.
- The Ferocious Few
- The Ferrebarrels
- The Feud
- The Fever Fox
- The Few
- The Fictionals
- The Field
- The Fiend
- The Fierce And The Dead
- The Fierce & The Dead
- The Fiery Furnaces
- The Fifth
- The Fifth Ace
- The Fifth Season
- The Fifty Dollar Band
- The Fighting Cats
- The Fikings
- The Fillers
- The Filth
- The Filthtones
- The Filthy Eights
- The Filthy Ewoks
- The Fin.
- The Final Arrow
- The Final Chapter
- The Fine and Dandy
- The Finest
- The Finks
- the firm
- The First And Broken
- The First Dose
- The First Fire
- The First from behind
- The First lady
- The First Rebirth
- The First Resort
- The First Showband
- The First Statement
- The First Wave
- The First Wolf
- The Firus
- The Fischermans Friends
- The Fiscus
- The Fishbrothers
- The Fist Fokkers
- The fitfh Ace
- The Five Folkers
- The Five Great Guitars
- The Fixx
- The Fizzmits
- The Flame
- The Flamenco Connection
- The Flamenco Thief
- The Flaming Angels
- the Flaming Walnutz
- The Flare-Up
- The Flash-Mob
- The Flatiners
- The Flatland Collective
- The Flatlands Collective
- The Flatliners
- The Flatlines
- The Flavians
- The Flea-Pit
- The Flesh
- The Fleshtones
- The Flexican & Sef
- The Flight
- The Flight of Sleipnir
- The Flints
- The Flipside Paradox VOL. I
- The Flock
- The Floodlight
- The Floor is made of Lava
- The Floorshow
- The Florentinas
- The Florines
- The Flowers
- The Flowmasterz
- The Flowriders
- The Flume
- The Flying Dinosaurs
- The Flying Eyes
- The Flying Pickets
- The Flying Tygers
- The Foghorn stringband
- The Föhns
- The Folk Road
- The Folk Survival Club
- The Followers
- The Following
- The Following of the Void
- The Folsom Brothers
- The Fondy Riverside Bullet Band
- The Fonktions
- The Fonz
- The Foo
- The Food Code
- The Foodlight
- The Foo Fakers
- The Fool
- The Fools
- The FoolZ
- The Forbidden
- The Forbidden Wizards
- The Forebitter Men
- The Foreign Exchange
- The Foreshadowing
- The Forest Jazz Band
- The Forgotten Sons of Ben Catwright
- The Forrester Soundtrack
- The Fortunate Few
- The Forze MC & Mike Redman
- The Four
- The Four Blond NUNS
- The Four Brothers
- The Four Houseketeers
- The Four Kicks
- The Four Owls
- The Fourth
- The Four Tops
- The Foves
- The Fox
- The Fox and the Bramble
- The Frankenberries
- The Franklin Electric
- The Franklys
- The Frawiden Experience
- The Freak Funkers
- The Freak Party
- The Freaks and the Dirty Dancers
- The Freaky Buds
- The Freddy
- The Frederik
- The Freeborn Brothers
- The Freedomband
- The Freedom Project
- The Free Fall Band
- The Freelance Band
- The Freelancers
- The Free Mills
- The Free Nationals
- The Freendship
- The Free Radicals
- The Freeride Band
- The Free Souls
- The Freestyler
- The Freeway Revival
- The Freeze
- The French Quarter
- The French Tips
- The Frenks
- The Fresh Cuts
- The Freshest Kidz
- The Freshmen
- The Fresh Prince
- The Freudian Slip
- The Friday Night Boys
- The Fridge
- The Fried Seven
- The Friel Sisters
- The Fright
- The Frights
- theFringe
- The Frocks
- The Frogs
- The Front Bottoms
- The Frontiers
- The Frontliners
- The Frontlines
- The Frozen Five
- The Frozen Penguins
- The Fruitmachine
- The Fucking Assholes
- The Fuckin Godoys
- The Fucking Virgins
- The Fuckuleles
- The Fudge
- The Fuel
- The Fugitives
- The Full Colour
- The Full Moon Swingband
- The Fume
- The Fundogs
- The Funeral Portrait
- The Funkalicious Collective
- The Funkbots
- The Funk Disciples
- The Funkdoobiest
- The Funk Soul Brothers
- The Funksoul Brothers ‘n Sista
- The Funkstamatics
- The Funk Transplant
- The Funky Bastard
- The Funky Cat
- The Funky Knuckles
- The fun lovin criminal
- The Fur
- The Furbees
- The Fureys
- The Fureys and Davey Arthur
- The Fuss
- The Future Champs
- The Future Dub Project
- The Future Guys
- The Future Primitives
- The Future's Dust
- The Futures Dust
- The Futurist
- The Fuzillis
- The Fuzzbrats
- The Fuzztones
- The G
- The Gainsay
- The Gaisay
- The Galacticos
- The Galaxy
- The Galileo Argument
- The Gallands
- The Gallows
- The Gambler Fallacy
- The Gamblers
- The Gamits
- The Gang
- The Gangbang Devils
- The Gang Bank
- The Garbage Bags
- The Garbage Gang
- The Garbage & The Flowers
- The Garburetors
- The Garden
- The Garifuna Collective
- The Garnals
- The Garrys
- The Garuda's
- The Gary Douglas Band
- The Gaslamp Killer
- The Gaslights
- The Gasman
- The Gates of Eden
- The Gay Blades
- The Gecko
- the Geek
- The Geeks
- The Geek x Vrv
- The Geminizers
- The Gemms
- The Gems
- The Generals
- The Generator
- The Gentle
- The Gentle Act Incident
- The Gentle Art Of Cooking People
- The gentleman
- The Gentlemen
- The Gentle Singers
- The Gentle Storm
- The Gentry
- The Gents
- The Georgia Thunderbolts
- The Geraldeane Experience
- The Geraldine Fibbers
- The Geraldines
- The Germans & Pieter Ampe
- The Germaphonics
- The Germs
- The Gerry Hundt Trio
- The Gerry Springer Show
- The Gesualdo Six
- The Getaway Plan
- The Get Down Party
- The Getdowns
- The Get Hustle
- The Ghost
- The Ghost And You
- The Ghost & Gene on Earth
- The Ghost Inside
- The Ghost Of A Campaigner
- The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger
- The Ghost Of Paul Revere
- The Ghost of The Saber Tooth Tiger
- The Ghosts Of Navarone
- The Ghost Wolves
- The Giant Everywhere
- The Giant Low
- The Giants Of Húsavík
- The Giant So WHat
- The Gibbons
- The Gibs
- The Gibson Brothers
- The Gift
- The GIGI
- The Giglin Dildas
- The Gimps
- The Gin
- The Ginn Sisters
- The Gipsy Queens & Kings
- The Girl On the Train
- The Girls Who Cried Wolf
- The Girl Who Cried Wolf
- The Givemeister
- The Give'm Hell Boys
- The Given Horse
- The Glamrocks
- The Glaslamp Killer
- The Glass Caves
- The Glinch
- The Glitch Mob
- The Glitterball Experience
- The Glitter Banditz
- The Glitz
- The Gloaming
- The Glockenwise
- The Gloria Story
- The Glorious Gentleman's Club
- The Glorious Sons
- The Glory feat. Jonny Woo & John Sizzle
- The Glory Gospel Singers
- The Glücks
- The Glums
- The Gluts
- The GMC and ERC
- The Goa Express
- The Goatriders
- The Goat Roper Rodeo Band
- The Goddamn Gallows
- The Godfathers
- The Gods Are All Here
- The Gogets
- The Go Getters
- The Go-Go’s
- The Golden Bis Band
- The Golden Blues Heroes
- The Golden Boy
- The Golden Earrings
- The Golden Filter
- The Golden Glows
- The Golden Grass
- The Golden Kanine
- The Golden Tears
- The Gonutz
- The Gonzo's
- The Gooch
- The Gooch Palms
- The Good Bad
- The Good, Bad and the Gypsy
- The Goodbye Girls
- The Good Case
- The Good Darlings
- The Good Girls Club
- The Good Guys
- The Good Hand
- The Goodlife Tribe
- The Good Luck Charms
- The Goodluck Party
- The Good Natured
- The Good Ones
- The Good The Bad
- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
- The Good, The Bad and The Zugly
- The Good The Bad And The Zugly
- The Good, The Bad & Bart
- The Good, The Band & The Ugly
- The Good View
- The Goo Goo Mucks
- The Goonatics
- The Goon Mar & Lord Bernardo
- The Goon Mat
- The Goon Mat & Lord Benardo
- The Goon Mat & Lord Bernardo
- The Goon Sax
- The Goooniez
- The Goosebumps Bros
- The Gopnik Project
- The Gories
- The Gorilla Gunmen
- The Goshawks
- The Gospel
- The Gospel According To Grégoire Maret Featuring Zara McFarlane
- The GospelExperience
- The Gospel Queens
- The Gospel Youth
- The Goth Factory
- The GoToBeds
- The Goup
- The Gr80ties
- The Grades
- The Grahams
- The Graine
- The Grams
- The Grand
- The Grand 7 Players
- The Grand Astoria
- The Grandmas
- The Grandmothers of Invention
- The Grand Theft Orchestra
- The Grand Voice
- The Grant East
- The Gran Torinds
- The Gran Torinos
- The Grapefruit Zoo
- The Grapes
- The Grassmoawers
- The Grass Mowers
- The Grave Brothers
- The Gravellers
- The Graviators
- The Greasy Gills
- The Greasy Slicks
- The Great
- The Great Belgian Songbook
- The Great Bertholinis
- The Great Boo!
- The Great Communicators
- The Great Discord
- The Greater Good
- The Greatest Switch
- The Great Hurricane Escape
- The Great Machine
- The Great Old Ones
- The Great Park & Preslav Literay School
- The Great Piano's
- The Great Plains
- The Great Pretenders
- The Green
- The Green Apple Sea
- The Green Child
- The Greendogs
- The Greenery
- The Green Groove
- The Greenhornes
- The Green Hornet
- The Green Man
- The Green McDonough Band
- The Green Monkeys
- The Green River Burial
- The Green Room
- The Greens
- The Greenthingz